Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wendy Day Launches Company To 'Incubate' Urban Labels

By Chris Richburg

Aspiring music industry professionals will get a well-established helping hand in their quest for success from Rap Coalition founder Wendy Day.

Day’s assistance will come courtesy of Indie Label Builder, a new consulting company designed to work with clients in finding ways to sell their music and establish their own record label.

According to Day, the venture serves as an "incubator" to lay the groundwork for a successful stint in the music world, by utilizing the company’s expertise in launching labels and artists in a competitive field.

“The cool thing about incubating labels is that the success rate of urban indies will skyrocket,” Wendy Day told “There has never been a better time in the history of the music business to start a record label. The internet leveled the playing field, the majors had to open their system of distribution to indies in order to remain afloat financially, and the barrier to entry is quite low--anyone can start a label.”

Services offered by Indie Label Builder include planning, organization, promotions, set up and company structuring.

The company also offers day-to-day assistance in regards to tax structure and payments, marketing plans, budgets, selling CDs and digital downloads and obtaining proper contracts for artists and producers.

“Indies no longer have to learn by trial and error, or lose money from trusting the wrong people,” Wendy Day continued. “This is like hiring a General Manager with experience and a track record of success to oversee and run your label, while teaching your staff, for a fraction of the price. And on Indie Label Builder's side of the business, we get to incubate and grow numerous successful labels each year. It's like what I have been doing for the past 15 years, but on turbo boost! I'm so excited about this.”

In addition to the Rap Coalition, the writer/business woman made a name for herself while managing the careers of rappers such as Slick Rick, Twista, Ras Kass, Cash Money Records, David Banner and others.

With her latest venture, Day is looking to provide equal footing for those who have encountered roadblocks on their way to garnering success.

“You can expect a nurturing environment where they can build and run their companies under the guidance of someone with my experience, expertise, and track record--for less than you'd pay an employee."

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