"It's gonna deliver for fans of N.W.A which are always the hardest when you look at the core fans," Packer says."
While promoting the release of his latest Kevin Hart starring movie The Wedding Ringer, producer Will Packer opened up about the current state of production on an N.W.A biopic Straight Outta Compton.
"It's still very early in that," he said. "We're still working on [director] F. Gary Gray's cut. I'm excited about that movie. That movie is gonna deliver. It's gonna deliver for fans of N.W.A which are always the hardest. When you look at the core fans it's always the hardest to satisfy them. But it's also gonna deliver just to a broad spectrum of audiences that just enjoy a great American uprising story. That's what it was. These kids they generated an uprisal. It was a good time, an interesting time. I think it's a very relevant story today."
When asked about Ice Cube's early release of a trailer for the film and whether or not the rapper did so with permission, Packer said, "Cube does what he does. Cube does what he does and nobody does it like Cube. That's what I'll say...Cube is the man. I love the fact that it's out there and it's getting the response it's getting. That's what I'll say."
"It's still very early in that," he said. "We're still working on [director] F. Gary Gray's cut. I'm excited about that movie. That movie is gonna deliver. It's gonna deliver for fans of N.W.A which are always the hardest. When you look at the core fans it's always the hardest to satisfy them. But it's also gonna deliver just to a broad spectrum of audiences that just enjoy a great American uprising story. That's what it was. These kids they generated an uprisal. It was a good time, an interesting time. I think it's a very relevant story today."
When asked about Ice Cube's early release of a trailer for the film and whether or not the rapper did so with permission, Packer said, "Cube does what he does. Cube does what he does and nobody does it like Cube. That's what I'll say...Cube is the man. I love the fact that it's out there and it's getting the response it's getting. That's what I'll say."
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