In an interview with VladTV, the Love & Hip Hop actor says that the label behind both Wu-Tang Clan and Dead Prez (Loud/Columbia) did not provide the same promotional help for the conscious rap of Dead Prez. According to Saigon, Dead Prez’s commercial demise was preordained by the powers that be and their “agenda”.
They shut Dead Prez down. They Put the mussle on Stic[.ma] and M[-1], quick. As great as they were and as big as they were, had the label at the time really put the energy that they would put behind a group that was spreading violence or a group that was spreading ignorance, they would have had a much bigger impact. They were loved. Dead Prez was loved, because a lot of people understood. But the system said, hey, this is not conducive to us. To our agenda.Both Dead Prez and Wu-Tang were signed to Loud/Columbia back in 2000. Dead Prez released their debut album Let’s Get Free in March 2010, eight months before Wu-Tang Clan released their third studio album, The W. Wu-Tang Clan’s following album, The Iron Flag would be released a year after. Dead Prez’s second album Revolutionary But Gangster was not released until four years later and less than a month Sony Music and Bertelsmann Music Group formed Sony BMG 50-50 venture.
Check out the full interview at
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