by Omar Burgess
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Hip Hop Hall Of Fame Wins Innovative Business Award
by Omar Burgess
posted October 05, 2010 at 9:40AM PDT | 0 comments
Hip Hop Hall Of Fame Wins Innovative Business Award
UConn awards the Hip Hop Hall of Fame Museum for a plan which could help promote Hip Hop culture and stimulate New York's economy.
The University of Connecticut’s Veteran Entrepreneur Boot-camp Program has awarded an Innovative Business Award to the Hip Hop Hall of Fame Museum. The museum was originally boycotted by KRS-One and Public Enemy’s Chuck D., who had issues with how various Hip Hop pioneers would be honored and compensated for their contributions to the culture. In May, representatives from the museum told the Wall St. Journal they hoped to raise roughly $125 million to complete construction.
“As a college educated Veteran of the US Army, and of Community Service and Businessthis has been one the of the most challenging and fulfilling Business programs that I have ever had the honor and priviledge to be apart of,” stated J.T. Thompson, creator of the HHHOF Museum & Entertainment Complex.
In a recent press release, representatives from the museum expressed the goal of turning their complex into “ the city’s newest cultural urban theme park.” By their calculations, the complex will produce over 100 jobs, bringing in an estimated 300,000 museum visitors and another 600,000 patrons for various live events.
More information about the Hip Hop Hall of Fame Museum is available via the official Twitter feed.
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