By Chris Richburg (allhiphop.com)
Revered freestyler/rapper C-Rayz Walz is putting his talent to the test as he teams up with fellow Modular Moods rapper Kosha Dillz, for the upcoming album Freestyle vs. Written.
The 12-song project, which is described as a collaboration record featuring a Jewish and African-American rapper, will combine freestyle and written rhymes that were spawned during a 3 day recording session.
Among the songs featured are "I Love Jews" and "Ariel Sharon."
Freestyle vs. Written is the latest in a string of recordings for C-Rayz Walz, who has recorded songs with artists like El-P, Jean Grae, Aesop Rock, Dead Prez member M-1 and Insane Clown Posse.
Dillz has garnered his own buzz among fans and critics with political songs on foreign affairs and oppression.
The Israeli American rapper has also appeared on BET’s 106 and Park and shared the stage and performed with Pigeon John, the Pharcyde, Jurassic 5, Killah Priest and Grammy nominee Matisyahu.
C-Rayz Walz and Kosha Dillz’ Freestyle vs. Written is slated to be released digitally on August 26, while the album is scheduled to hit stores on September 15.
Ten percent of the proceeds from album sales will be donated to the Netivot Israel Louna Terror Victim Fund and the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.
The foundation, which is headed by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons and Rabbi Marc Schneier, is dedicated to strengthening relations between ethnic communities.
1 comment:
ALL ALONE AM I by Barry Chamish
Who failed to notice that the President and Vice-President missed the Republican National Convention? So where did they go? George oversaw Hurricane Gustav and Dick was in Rome taking care of Israel.
Palestinian president to meet with his Israeli counterpart Thursday evening
Thursday September 04, 2008 15:49author by Rami Almeghari - IMEMC & Agencies
Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas will be meeting his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres on Thursday evening in Italy.Israeli sources said that both leaders will be discussing outstanding political issues, security and economic concerns. The meeting comes ahead of a special conference in Rome on Friday, over relations between Israel and the Arab World, where Peres is suppose to meet with the vice-President of the United States, Dick Cheney, as well as the representative of the European Union, Manuel Brosu, the sources revealed.
Bet you thought Cheney was away from the convention just so McCain wouldn't be tarred with the reputation of the current administration. But no, meeting Peres and Abbas in the capital of Roman Christendom was far more important. And perhaps you'd like to know what they were discussing. Here is the real Shimon Peres, from the Bakersfield Business Conference, October 10, 1998:
Shimon Peres
Former Prime Minister of Israel. Nobel Peace Prizewinner.
I believe that this man was mostly motivated by fear and a resignation to a state of affair in the world, which from the perspective of a coming world government, dictates the impossibility for Israel (or any country for that matter) to ever be independent.
Here are some of his comments:
· "Protecting our lands is not as necessary as in the past."
· "The world has no borders."
· "How can you conduct foreign policy if you don't have an enemy? Enemies stem from nations; dangers are global. It is the same with security; you need security only if there are nations, not if you do not have any."
· "Business is now internationally minded."
How often have I said that Peres' true goal is the end of Israel? That his Israel would soon be borderless, followed by the end of ALL NATIONS. But it turns out, it's just me and the beat of my heart.
I'll bet you you've never heard about the Italian, Forum Villa d'Est. This central and secretive affair invites the leaders of the world to discuss the business of the planet. Forget, for now, that all the Americans are or were members of the CFR, just look who Peres meets with in Italy besides the pope; Candidates John McCain and Joseph Biden:
Forum Villa d'Este
In early September, at Villa d'Este in Cernobbio (Como), The European House-Ambrosetti organizes the forum entitled "INTELLIGENCE ON THE WORLD, EUROPE AND ITALY", which has come to be acknowledged as one of the most important annual meetings worldwide.
Heads of state, top representatives of European institutions, cabinet ministers, Nobel laureates, businessmen, managers and experts from around the world have come together each year since 1975 to discuss current issues of great importance for the world economy and society as a whole.
The FORUM presents forecasts of the economic and geo-political outlooks for the world, Europe and Italy, and analyzes the main scientific and technological developments and their impacts on the future of public and private institutions, business and society in general. This is accomplished through meetings, debates and presentations of special, ad hoc studies.
Among those who have taken part in recent years: H.S.H. Albert II Prince of Monaco, José María Aznar, Silvio Berlusconi, Joe Biden, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, José Manuel Durão Barroso, Renato Dulbecco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Valéry Giscard D'Estaing, Christine Lagarde, Vaclav Klaus,[B] John McCain, [/B]Giorgio Napolitano, Alain Juppé, Rita Levi Montalcini, Henry Kissinger, Mario Monti, Shimon Peres, Romano Prodi, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Michel Rocard, H.M. Rania Al-Adullah Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Card. Joseph Ratzinger, Helmut Schmidt, George Shultz, Jean-Claude Trichet, Umberto Veronesi and James Wolfensohn.
MY, my, what a fine co-incidence that two of the candidates for the next American administration meet in Italy to plot the fate of the borderless world. That it doesn't make a damn bit of difference who you vote for, you get the same agenda. So let's forget the incredibly tarnished Presidential candidates and look at the VPs to be. Plagiarist Joe Biden terrifies Israelis in the know for his legislative kowtowing to Iran and his real hatred for Israel. But to point this out is alright:
Biden Threatened to Cut off Aid to Israel
This may give some insight into Joe Biden's approach to Israel. Back
in March 1992 Moshe Zak recounted that the Senator made the mistake
of Confronting Prime Minister Menachem Begin (June 22 1982) during
his Senate foreign relations committee testimony. After Biden
threatened to cut off aid to Israel. Begin just let him have it. Read
this report of their confrontation, that was published by Soccer Dad
almost two years ago (way to think ahead Dave) and another recount of
the issue from Time Magazine 7/5/1982:
It's one Sarah Palin that is off limits to, especially, Christians. And I paid dearly this week for pointing out the game she is being used for.
When she was first introduced, I had no idea she claimed to be Christian. Her children's names Track, Trig et al are not Christian names. In fact, get ready for real trivia, Track and Trig were the sled dogs of Dudley Doright of the Mounties. We recall the cartoons with him mushing his sled with a whip and shouting, "On Track, On Trig."
But that's okay. We'll say she discovered Christianity when it was good for her governmental ambitions. What was not okay was McCain claiming she was a "reformer" who stood up to "big oil." Meaning Bush, we assume. In fact, Palin wants to open Alaska's nature reserves to drilling, is pushing to build a natural gas pipeline with state money and has taken illegal donations from incriminated oil lobbyists. She is not fighting the oil corporations, she was chosen because she fights for the oil corporations. Even if it means hunting down all the wildlife blocking her desires.
So, I lose my Christian supporters but, YOU'VE BEEN HAD.
Now here is a picture of the person who you've taken to your hearts:
Dear friend,
I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992.
Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a
first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools. Her
father was my child's favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a
first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more
City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the
residents of the city.
So many people have asked me about what I know about Sarah Palin in the
last 2 days that I decided to write something up . . .
You have my permission to forward this to your friends/email contacts
with my name and email address attached, but please do not post it on
any websites, as there are too many kooks out there . . .
While Sarah was Mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire our highly respected
City Librarian because the Librarian refused to consider removing from
the library some books that Sarah wanted removed. City residents
rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin's
attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew
her termination letter. People who fought her attempt to oust the
Librarian are on her enemies list to this day.
First, I have long believed in the importance of being an informed
voter. I am a voter registrar. For 10 years I put on student voting
programs in the schools. If you google my name (Anne Kilkenny +
Alaska), you will find references to my participation in local
government, education, and PTA/parent organizations.
Secondly, I've always operated in the belief that "Bad things happen
when good people stay silent". Few people know as much as I do because
few have gone to as many City Council meetings.
Third, I am just a housewife. I don't have a job she can bump me out
of. I don't belong to any organization that she can hurt. But, I am no
fool; she is immensely popular here, and it is likely that this will
cost me somehow in the future: that's life.
Fourth, she has hated me since back in 1996, when I was one of the 100
or so people who rallied to support the City Librarian against Sarah's
attempt at censorship.
Fifth, I looked around and realized that everybody else was afraid to
say anything because they were somehow vulnerable.
Anne Kilkenny
I have not changed my position one bit. No responsible citizen should vote. It's the only out. The system has been hijacked. And in my circle, no other voice can say the words: Obama or McCain, the dismembering of Israel carries on as usual.
End Part One
The hijacking of Israeli protest continues unabated while Peres, Abbas and Cheney plot to remove the borders of the nation. Here is one morning of correspondence, with Israeli errors in English untouched. Why do these fine people think I can help them when I'm so alone?:
August 31, 2008
At 10:40 AM 9/3/2008, you wrote:
This morning at 6:45 came 20 persones of the regional concile and national religious settler moovement, "Amana" with many cars to the compound of the magenm david farm/ they entered by force evan into my house. They destroyed all water lines and pipes, all electrical wire system and the waste water system, took my equipment away and did beat my up, with some pick axe the beated my on my head and my back as well in my stomage.They have had no order or any official paper to do so, no judge or goverment office did sign on it. Just anarchism.All water and electrizety is closed down, animals have no water and a lot of chicken did die. several times i was beaten up. now we have to bring water in from talias farm, 3 km south, by tractor. the police did let everybody go and did not arest anyone. I rported a complain to police. I request to puplish the storry and to help the farm in any way that is possible.
At 05:58 PM 9/2/2008, you wrote:
Barry, I think you are a little bit wrong. Everybody in Israel is afraid of the Shabak. Look at yourself. You ran away from Israel to save your life. Everybody knows that Shabak is dangerous. You cannot expect this silly lawyer to tell you the truth that she has been contacted and most probably threatened by Shabak. Especially when the Shabak threatened her to cooperate with them against you and not tell anybody about it. As you said yourself, the whole system in the country is rigged. You cannot expect an honest treatment form anybody, be it private or official person. I fled from the country and know that I cannot expect anything from anybody there. A typical example is what you told me about the "treatment" of the police regarding your "accident". Such an evil treatment ist applied to everybody in Israel, not only to you. This is why I am pessimistic as to the survival chances of this country. A healthy state has to exhibit a minimum of decency and justice in order to exist. I am sure this is not the case with Israel. Sorry to disappoint you.
At 11:59 AM 9/2/2008, you wrote:
When I got on the wrong side of Ben Ami, I left my home, family and life in Israel......otherwise I would have ended up as one more "freak accident".
Sadly, there will not be any revolution. Chaim and Oded Ben Ami's families have established comfortable "retirement" residences in New Jersey.............Olmert can choose between European countries, and the rest of the Nation will face a terrible end.
At 02:02 PM 9/2/2008, you wrote:
As I got close to Reut, there were tons of police - they stopped me b/c i had an orange ribbon on the car - and they told me it was forbidden for me to enter. They told me to go straight back to J'lem,but I went into Reut anyway and there was massive police presence - stopping anyone who looked religious..........they arrested a few people for coming to an illegal demonstration....
nothing new.
At 06:39 AM 9/3/2008, you wrote:
Dear Friends,
Baruch Hashem, a success last night.
Not only did tens of citizens succeed in reaching the house of Central Command Officer Gad Shamni and hold a vigil there in protest against the eviction orders, but we managed to remind everyone that the Olmert-Livni regime is a totalitarian and Bolshevik regime that persecutes loyal Jews instead of fighting against Israel's enemies, the Arabs and the international anarchists.
The tens of citizens who were arrested around 6:45pm while driving on the 443 highway and in other roads, were accused of "wanting to participate in an illegal gathering". They were all brought by the Israeli "thought police" to the police stations of Modiin and Ramle.
Placards, flags and megaphones were confiscated and not returned. On different occasions the police used brutal violence, inside and outside the police compound, against innocent bystanders, among them elderly women, children and journalists.
Shmuel Medad, head of the Honenu legal rights organization which helps nationalist-camp members who are arrested during the course of their activities, told IsraelNationalNews.com at around 5 PM, "The last of the 15, Itamar Ben-Gvir, is having his hour in court right now. He is demanding to know why he was arrested in the first place." Ben-Gvir is a veteran of legal struggles in these matters, and is said to know his way around the court system better than many lawyers.
There were hundreds at the rally and a couple of dozen arrested. Naturally, the squealer Itamar Ben Gvir was one of them and naturally, he was the last to face a hearing, after he gathered enough dirt on us for the cops.
Peres And The Vatican; King Juan Carlos, The Vatican's King Of Jerusalem And Its Holy Places, is invited by Peres to build the ecologically disastrous Red-Dead Canal. More:
Peres invites King Juan Carlos to Israel
Solar energy, electric cars and water management were among the numerous subjects that came up for discussion in the president's meeting with Spanish Ambassador Gutierrez, who told him that Spain wants to make a contribution to peace in the Middle East and also wants to be part of the Red/Med canal project. Peres invited King Juan Carlos to visit Israel, and Gutierrez passed on a joint invitation from the king and Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero for Peres to visit Spain.
The king and the prime minister wanted the visit to take place as soon as possible, said Gutierrez, because they wanted to show Spaniards a side of Israel besides the conflict.
Write me for my DVD - The Vatican's New Campaign For Jerusalem. Have a look at some of the presentation:
Folks, the last letter sent by the producer about my Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust DVD:
Thank you for the offer, but my company always pays for hotel when I travel, but I would still like to visit or get together somewhere when I'm in the area. Now to getting your video done and out!
It's coming I hear. Now here's an offer. If you'd like it whenever it gets here, write me at chamish@netvision.net.il and it's yours for free OR for whatever you think it's worth. At the worst you'll get an audio CD of the same lecture.
The book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust we learned has to be reformatted at www.lulu.com
After being out for many weeks, I just received a small shipment of books from Israel. Write if you'd like a signed copy.
Also sent Save Israel and Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin.
Order books or help the poor author with integrity:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
or chamishba@gmail.com
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